Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hitler Dies in Indonesia

German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler declared dead suicide in the bunker ,
denied the news page of the Daily Telegraph , Monday, September 28, 2009 , the History Channel Documentary Program USA . The Daily Telegraph said, if Russia saved Hitler 's skull does not belong to the Fuhrer . Rather , the skull belonged to women aged under 40 years .

In Indonesia , circulated an information stating Hitler did not die in 1945. He managed to escape to Indonesia and became a doctor in Sumbawa Besar .

It was raised after finding an old book written using shorthand language of the ancient German . Actually the book without a title , so it appears some of the terms for the call , such as the ' Brandenburg Codex '.

The book contains a record of saving the Fuhrer of Berlin until the last possibility is Surabaya . The book was reinforced by a personal note Doctor Poch , a German citizen in Sumbawa doctor who is believed to be the real Adolf Hitler

In a note Poch , he and his wife avoid pursuit ally left Rome , exactly from the old book , that the code is FBSGJBS R. Namely F which means Fuhrer ( leader ), and B ( Berlin ) , S ( Salzburg ) , G ( Graz ) , J ( Yugoslavia ) , B ( Belgrade ) , S ( Sarajevo ) , R ( Rome ) , before finally flying to Sumbawa Besar .

Poch own doctor identified as the real Hitler by a doctor graduated from the University of Indonesia ( UI ) , Dr. Sosrohusodo , who served in hospitals in Sumbawa . Dr Sosrohusodo even write these experiences in an article in People's Daily Thoughts approximately 1983 .

In writing the article, Dr. Sosrohusodo mention if he met an old doctor from Germany named Poch in Sumbawa in 1960 .

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